At the Board of Commissioners, (BOC), last meeting, April 19, 2022, Planning and Development presented a new zoning provision for us to review and consider.
Remember all BOC meetings are open to the public. The next update on this new zoning will be at the BOC meeting on May 3, 2022, starting at 6 PM.
All-District 4 constituents: On Monday, May 16, 2022, we will have a community meeting to discuss proposed projects off Fischer Rd.
One is an RRCC (Retirement Residential Development, 55 years and older community), just south of Beaumont Farms, and another PDP (Planned Development Project) at Fischer Rd. and Minix Rd.
I have been meeting with these developers to assure the traffic and buffer issues are paramount to them coming before you. I have talked with several HOA presidents and shared the concept.
I would ask that any, and all that have an interest in learning and providing questions and/or concerns please attend this meeting.
The developers want to be good neighbors and are advocating for what is best for all.
Please let me know that you plan to attend, as our meeting place has limited seating for about 250 people.